Yes, debris.
This morning I was given the task of sorting through the soggy mess with a pair of lurid yellow protective gloves. I don't know the first thing about boats but somehow I was supposed to keep a weather eye out for anything un-boat-y.
Now normally The Agency wouldn't have anything to do with boating accidents, but one of the rescued sailors, in his delusional hypothermic state, apparently started blubbing on about a giant octopus.
Yeah, we deal with weirder shit than that. Giant octopus, no problems. We'll be back to the office in time for smoko.
So there I was stuck on the shore with my ridiculous gloves while the boys got to take out our boat to do some serious sonar. If anyone gets eaten by the giant squid, please let it be Agent Bayne, I thought.

I got busy and divided the pile of debris up into categories;
- Splintered Wood, Fibreglass & Plastic
- Twisted Metal
- Tech (radio equipment, GPS etc)
- Fishing Gear
- Biological Material
- Miscellaneous
10:43AM - Just in time for Smoko
The Desk of Marmalade McWraith
I pulled up the file (G:\Research & Surveillance\Mythical Creatures\Kraken) and passed what little info we had to the Director who will decide on what is to be done next. Not a lot can be done though until we get another sighting. If we get another sighting.
Interestingly though, I found a recent article in Mythical Creatures Magazine where the Kraken had made it to the Pet of the Month Column. An amusing read. Enjoy.
EDIT: Apologies - Had to delete the article due to copyright violation. Oops..

Picture: A young Kraken playing with a 19th century sailing ship.